
Showing posts from February, 2022

How to Draw a Network Diagram in Project Management Pdf TUTORIAL

← Back to FAQ What is a Network Diagram in Project Management? Whether y'all're a project manager or a projection team member, you should familiarize yourself with network diagrams — too known equally the project schedule network diagram. A projection network diagram is an important tool because it helps teams visualize the activities that need to be completed over the duration of a project. It also gives crucial context similar job duration, sequence, and dependency. What is a projection network? A project network is a graph that shows the activities, duration, and interdependencies of tasks within your project. What is a project schedule network diagram in project management? A project schedule network diagram visualizes the sequential and logical relationship betwixt tasks in

How to Draw a Line in Html Css TUTORIAL

How to draw vertical and diagonal lines with HTML and CSS Every bit someone but starting out with HTML and CSS there are a few things (to say the least) that can immediately perplex. For me information technology was vertical lines. Wanna make a horizontal line? Cool. Throw in an <hr> tag and you're practiced to get. Wanna brand a vertical line? Logic would dictate yous throw in a <vr> tag and you're good to go. Wait, no? Now we have to become a little artistic. I'll share 3 methods for making vertical lines (and diagonal as well but for fun ☺). Rotating a Horizontal line The start method is to have a horizontal line and utilise the transform property to rotate it. For a vertical line yous would rotate it ninety degrees. <html> <60 minutes> <style> hour { transform: rotate(90deg); }