
How to Draw a Network Diagram in Project Management Pdf TUTORIAL

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What is a Network Diagram in Project Management?

Whether y'all're a project manager or a projection team member, you should familiarize yourself with network diagrams — too known equally the project schedule network diagram. A projection network diagram is an important tool because it helps teams visualize the activities that need to be completed over the duration of a project. It also gives crucial context similar job duration, sequence, and dependency.

What is a projection network?

A project network is a graph that shows the activities, duration, and interdependencies of tasks within your project.

What is a project schedule network diagram in project management?

A project schedule network diagram visualizes the sequential and logical relationship betwixt tasks in a projection setting. This visualization relies on the clear expression of the chronology of tasks and events.

About often, a project network diagram is depicted as a nautical chart with a series of boxes and arrows. This network diagram tool is used to map out the schedule and work sequence for the projection, as well as track its progress through each stage — upwardly to and including completion. Considering information technology encompasses the big tasks that need to occur over the project'southward duration, a network diagram is too useful in illustrating the scope of the project.

Benefits of the project direction network diagram

A network diagram allows a project managing director to track each chemical element of a project and apace share its status with others. Its other benefits include:

  • Visual representation of progress for stakeholders
  • Establishing projection workflows
  • Tracking dependencies and potential bottlenecks

Research also shows that depicting information in a visual manner can improve comprehension and enhance retention — pregnant that a network diagram can boost functioning and productivity while reducing stress among your team members.

Types of project network diagrams: Arrow diagram and precedence diagram

There are 2 main types of network diagrams in project management: the arrow diagramming method (ADM), also known as "activeness network diagram" or "activity on arrow"; and the precedence diagramming method (PDM), also known every bit "node network" or "activity on node."

Arrow diagram method (ADM)

The ADM, or activity network diagram, uses arrows to represent activities associated with the project. It's important to note that, due to the ADM's limitations, it is no longer widely used in project management. Nonetheless, it's still useful to understand ADMs, so that you can recognize these diagrams if they ascend in your work environment.


  • The tail of the arrow represents the start of the activity and the head represents the stop.
  • The length of the pointer typically denotes the duration of the activity.
  • Each arrow connects two boxes, known as "nodes." The nodes are used to correspond the start or cease of an activity in a sequence. The starting node of an activity is sometimes called the "i-node," with the terminal node of a sequence sometimes called the "j-node."
  • The only relationship between the nodes and activity that an ADM chart can represent is "finish to first" or FS.

Occasionally, "dummy activities"—arrows that do not represent a direct relationship—need to be included in ADM network diagrams. In the diagram beneath, action C can but occur in one case activities A and B are complete; in the network diagram, you've continued activity A to activity C. Perhaps nosotros're talking about tiling a floor (activity C): It can only brainstorm in one case the concrete is poured (activity A) and the permits are obtained (activeness B). Since activities A and B are not directly related—A doesn't lead to B, and B doesn't lead to A—you'll need to draw a dummy activeness between B and C to show that C is dependent on B being completed.An ADM chart as well does not have a mode to encapsulate lead and lag times without introducing new nodes and activities.


Precedence diagram method (PDM)

PDM network diagrams are frequently used in projection direction today and are a more than efficient alternative to ADMs. In the precedence diagramming method for creating network diagrams, each box, or node, represents an action—with the arrows representing relationships betwixt the unlike activities. The arrows can therefore represent all 4 possible relationships:

  • "Cease to Showtime" (FS): When an activity cannot start before some other activeness finishes
  • "Start to Outset" (SS): When 2 activities are able to outset simultaneously
  • "Finish to Finish" (FF): When two tasks need to finish together
  • "First to Cease" (SF): This is an uncommon dependency and but used when one action cannot finish until another action starts

In PDM, lead times and lag times can be written alongside the arrows. If a item action is going to require ten days to expire until the next activity tin can occur, for case, you can but write "ten days" over the arrow representing the relationship betwixt the connected nodes.

Further reading:

  • three Means to Create Your Project Manager Agenda
  • Critical Path Method in Projection Management is equally Easy equally ane,2,3
  • 5 Most Common Mistakes in Managing Multiple Projects: Projection Schedules


How to Draw a Network Diagram in Project Management Pdf TUTORIAL

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